Get Our Website Bootcamp, Absolutely FREE!

Website Bootcamp - What's In It?,

  • Setting up a domain name & hosting - the home for your site
  • Installing & configuring WordPress - the platform we'll use for your website
  • Installing & configuring a beautiful theme for your site
  • Adding plugins to extend the functionality of your new site
  • Adding images and writing content


We’ve been there and had to struggle to put all the pieces together to create a business that works. We understand how it feels like you’re running in circles and can’t figure out which direction to go.

We can help you grow a business that you love. It all starts with our two-week boot camp that has step-by-step tutorials so you can build a website that represents who you are.

Susan Johnson

Susan Johnson

Co-Founder and CEO

Michelle Eaton

Michelle Eaton

Co-Founder and CEO

About Business Web School

Business Web School is Michelle Eaton and Susan Johnson.

They met 7 years ago in an internet marketing mastermind group and realized they had a lot in common and wanted to help other new entrepreneurs learn more about how to get started with their online business.

Fast-track the launch of your business online with professional web design.