When it comes to developing your business or personal brand, it's important to come up with new blog post ideas on a regular basis. There are some strategies to help brainstorm new ideas, no matter niche you are in.
1. Visitors are more enthusiastic about information that betters their lives. Therefore, create a useful blog post. Life hack lists and videos are incredibly popular because people love to feel like they are learning something that makes their life easier.
2. You can make listicles out of practically anything. In addition to niche-related hacks, you could make lists about necessary or beneficial resources, great books in the field, or anything else you can think of.
3. Another great way to be useful is to create how-to guides. They can be text or video which enable you to teach people how to use items you sell, that take care of a common problem or use something in a whole new, helpful manner.
4. But you want some variety in your posts so not every one has to be useful. Sometimes, you might want to just blog about your thoughts or personal things. Around the holidays, post some pictures that show you goofing around with the other people on your team. Make a post about what the event means to you personally, being aware that you are reaching out to a global audience.
5. Sharing an inspirational anecdote that others can relate to. You can discuss how your company has grown. Share what makes you feel good to help encourage others to grow as well. People love to hear "feel good" stories," so give them some!
6. Depending on your niche, you could even discuss controversial topics. But be sure that you consider this carefully. What might work for a late night talk show hosts could bomb when used in a local news broadcast. The same is true for blog posts. Only use controversy if it fits within your niche.
7. Humor can be a great tool. If you can entertain your visitors, you will get more returns. It's well documented that people love to laugh. You could tell a humorous story, post a satire article of the week or you could use memes in the right dose to get your messages across.
8. The latest news in your niche can help you to come up with what to share each day. Maybe you want to write regular news posts to keep others informed. Or maybe, you can report on current trends or show both sides of a current controversial issue.
9. You might want to create engaging evergreen content to build up a solid base of articles for visitors to read over time. Many bloggers use these blog post ideas interspersed with other types.
No matter what type of posts you use, be sure to organize them. This will help both you and your site visitors. Add content regularly and track which ideas work best. You can then focus on the topics and the type of posts that your visitors engage with the most!